April 7, 2021

I recently went shopping and bought a few books to read about statistics, general economics, real estate, and more.

For today’s post I will show you some books that I recently bought, what I think about them, and I will also show you how you can buy books that are 20-30% cheaper than what you would pay at a bookstore.


One of the bookstores that I frequent is in Hong Kong where they have a large range of Chinese and English books and many visitors.

Some of my favorite books are actually Japanese-translated books and the reason is because they provide lots of detailed diagrams and visuals so it is easy to speed through these books.

For example, the books will be in English or Chinese but with a Japanese author.

Some of the books I have read are about statistics, and another one talks about deep and fast thinking. Normally, if I cannot find a book in English I will buy the Chinese version.

The next book I will be reading is how real-estate developers work. Real-estate is actually something I am interested in at the moment.

My entire portfolio focuses on investing in stocks because that is what I am good at, and I also analyze financial statements.

My plan for the future however is to head towards real-estate and buy properties using the gains from my stock investments. Most people do this the other way around and buy stocks from the money they make from real-estate.

The next book I am going to show you is Atomic Habits which is a best-seller with over a million copies sold. It talks about habits and how you can change your life with small adjustments.


The next book is called How Are We Going to Explain This? 

This book elaborates on the future of our civilization, as well as climate change which is a topic that catches my interest.

These are a few of the titles I picked up this time around.


When browsing a bookstore, I will usually do a price comparison to see if I can find a cheaper deal online. I use this method for English books with a website called http://bookdepository.com/ 

Which usually ships worldwide for free and also applies a discount for you as well. 

What I do is I would type the name of the book that I am interested in reading in this website and I will usually get a discounted price.

For example, I bought Small Data which is a book about data analytics and it was 23% off.

As a result, it was only $91 HKD instead of $118 HKD. In the bookstore, the same book was actually closer to $130-140 HKD.

The next book I got is How To Get To Great Ideas, another English book for 34% off with no shipping fees. 


The next book is called Grit which was $110 HKD and 20% off. The price listed in the bookstore was closer to $160.

Another book I got is called The Bezos Letter, which was actually recommended to me by one of the community members, Sam who is reading it to me as well. I found this book for 27% off which is fantastic.

Afterwards, I purchased Leap written by Howard Yu, for only $85 HKD.

Finally, I bought The Rocket Man: Elon Musk In His Own Words because I am a big fan of Elon Musk as you can see now that I am looking to buy a Tesla in the future, and this book was 21% off. 

If you sign up for the newsletter on BookDepository, you’ll get a promotion code from time to time that gives you an additional 10% off or so.

I usually just save up all the books I want to buy and wait until they send me a discount code. When it finally comes I purchase all my books in one go.


As you can see, I just bought over 10 books today that I am now going to be reading. Reading is a way for me to gather ideas.

When it comes to reading, personally I find that reading is not as efficient of a learning strategy as taking a course.

Throughout my lifetime I have taken quite a few courses and I find that I get the most results from taking courses instead of reading.

This is because when you gather ideas while reading, you still need to test the ideas one by one to see if they truly work.

In this way, I use reading as a method of inspiration and learning more about a subject. It does not necessarily lead to a fundamental change in life, but it does lead to a fundamental change in mindset. 


In order for you to achieve a fundamental change in life, you’ll need to implement what you learn, put that into action and make it a habit.

You’ll need to get the idea from reading, test the idea, have a change in mindset, and implement this change in order to see results in life.

This is actually very different from taking a course where you get instructed on what to do, what the problem you’re trying to solve is and how to do everything in a straightforward manner.

If there were something specific that I really wanted to change or achieve in my life, I would take a course on that subject instead of reading a book.

Reading a book will lead you in the right direction but it will not navigate you to exactly where you want to be.

90% correct transcript

So today I went to shopping and I bought a couple of books that I'm going to be reading over the next couple of months or the next couple of quarters, depending on how fast I'm going through it. So I thought it might be a good idea to share with you. So we got some books here that are talking about, you know, thinking statistics, general economics,

Real estate, and more.

So I'm going to go through a couple of ideas on what kind of books I read. I'll also go through how to buy cheaper books that is generally 20 to 30% cheaper than when you buy from a bookstore. So one of my favorite bookstores from Hong Kong is in hasten places, kind of on a nine floor. And there's a lot of people going there and it has a wide range of Chinese and also English books. Now, when it comes to Chinese books, some of my favorites are actually Japanese translated books. So for example, here, you can see the author is actually Japanese, Yoshi [inaudible], and this person will be talking about statistics. And when you're looking at Japanese books, they usually have a lot of diagrams and whatnot. So it was actually very easy to speed through. So I also have another book that is also from a Japanese offer and it talks about deep and fast thinking.

So it was translated into Chinese. Sometimes it might be available in English, but if I can find it, I'll just buy the Chinese version. Now the next book I'm probably going to be reading is how real estate developer works. So real estate is actually something I'm interested in so far. My entire portfolio focuses on investing in stocks because that's what I'm good at. I analyze financial statements and whatnot. I'm going to be heading into real estate in the future. My plan is really to be buying real estate properties and whatnot, using the gains from my stock investments. Most people kind of do it the other way around. They make money from real estate and then they invest in stocks that for myself, I'm investing in stocks and going backwards to buy real estate. And then I book I'm probably going to read verses atomic habits.

I think this is actually a best seller over a million copies sold, and it talks about habits and how you can change your life with that. The next one is called jobs. So I'm going to be reading that as well. And another one is how are we going to explain this? So it talks about our future. I think it talks about climate change as well. So that's something I'm interested in. So I'll be reading more on it. Now I showed you only a couple of books I bought. And when I'm walking around a bookstore, I usually do a price comparison to see if I can find a cheaper deal online. And this usually apply to English books. And a website I use is called book depository.com. So book depository.com ships worldwide, and they usually have free shipping and it gives you a discount as well.

So what I would do is I would type in the name of the book that I'm interested in reading, and usually I can get a discounted price. So for example, I bought a small data. It's a book about data analytics and it's 23% off. So it was only 91 Hong Kong dollars instead of 118. And I think when I was in the bookstore, it was closer to 130 to $140. The next book I got is how to get to great ideas and not our English book, 34% off. And there's no shipping to it. It's $105 at an expo case called grit, $110, 20% off. And when you're looking at the bookstore, it might be charging me 160 Hong Kong dollars, or even the next one is the Bezos letter. This is actually recommended by one of the community members, Sam. He is reading it to as well.

And for the bayzos letter, 27% off, which is fantastic. And an afterwards, I also purchased leap written by Howard you, and it is only $85, which it didn't show the exact discounted price. And finally, I bought the rocket man Elan Musk in his own words, because I'm a big fan of Elon Musk, as you can see now, because I'm looking to buy a Tesla in the future and it's 21% off. So it's $85 or so when you're looking at the screenshots, you'll see, that's actually got it for even a cheaper price. And that is because if you sign up for the newsletter on book, depository.com and you'll get a promotion code from time to time, so you can get an additional 10% discount or whatnot. If you sign up for the newsletter and I kind of save up all the books I want to buy, and I just wait until there is a discount and it just purchase it all in one go.

So as you can see, just from today alone, I have over 10 books that is kind of in the pipeline that I'm about to read. Reading is really a way for me to gather ideas. Now, when it comes to reading, it is not as efficient as learning through courses and whatnot. I have signed up for quite a few courses in my lifetime. I get the most results when going through courses instead of reading, because when I'm reading, you get a lot of ideas, but you also need to test the ideas, uh, one by one to see if they truly work. So I use reading as a method of inspiration and learning more about a subject. It doesn't necessarily lead to a fundamental change in life, but it does lead to a fundamental change in my mindset. In order for you to achieve a fundamental change in life, you'll need to implement what you learn, put that into action and make it become a habit.

So it needs to go from reading, getting the idea, testing it, have a change in mindset, implementing it. Then you will see results in life. And I was actually very different from taking a course where you get instructed on what to do, what is the problem you're trying to solve and how do you do it? So that's kind of more like a course. So if there's something I really want to change or achieve in my life, I would take a course on that subject. Instead of reading a book, reading a book might get you around 20 to 30% there, but it doesn't exactly get you all the way there. So do you have any book recommendations for me? And if there's anything you think that is a good book, leave a comment below and I'll be interested to know what is the latest book that you read that has transformed your life.

And when it comes to investing, my vision for myself is really to achieve 30% a year. And this is a combination of reading books, actually being an accountant on the job and also testing different ideas out. So if this is the first time you're here and you haven't gone to my website to, to grab the free training, there is a four hour free training where I outline how I invest in the markets, which is the results of the books. I read the system I've tested and also my job as a CPA and so on. So this is perfect for you. If you are a full-time professional or retire you with no financial background, you want to learn how to manage your own portfolio and target 30% a year. So you just got to go to the link. Five-minute investing.com/free case study. So in terms of successful case study this week, we have Bradley that made a hundred percent from ADP in two months.

Kenny made 28% from S Y Y in six weeks. And also Daniel made 48.5% from outta in four months. So congratulations to you. All those are fantastic return. And in this month for investing accelerator, I'm looking to help 20 professionals without a financial background to master investing. So if you're interested in joining investing accelerator, then go to the link below and watch the free case study to start. And then after that, you can schedule a call with me and then we'll go from there. And in terms of the a hundred likes giveaway in this video, I can give away any of the books that I have to mention in this video. So if we reach a hundred likes, leave a comment below, tap the like button, and I will select a winner from below. And I'll see you in the next video.

About the author 

Eric Seto

Eric Seto is an investor with over 10 years of experience. He travelled around the world to help with auditing, accounting, purchase and sale of companies.

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