PROCRASTINATING IS EXPENSIVE…If you are thinking about investing this year or the next, or even a couple years from now, STOP. In today’s post, I will briefly walk you through why you should invest TODAY and the best time to invest is now. The longer you delay investing, the more money it will cost you. Surprisingly, what

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“EVERYONE IS A GENIUS IN A BULL MARKET.”This is a line that I recently came across on YouTube. I found it quite interesting because it sparked a little bit of anger in me. I am aware that a lot of people think this is the case, when someone achieves good results that they would simply say that

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WHY SHOULD I NOT TAKE INVESTING ADVICE FROM MY FRIENDS?Following your friend’s advice is probably the easiest way to lose money. When I first started investing, the first stock I ever invested in was one that was recommended by my dear friend. It was for a company that compressed metal together, and he told me that

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